Come June, Ayelet will be ready to welcome many new children. The first few days, weeks and at times, even months bring a huge change in the little one’s life. Imagine, a 2-3 year old, leaving the comforts of his/her home, entering an unknown world, with unknown faces. In this post, we would try to tell you how to ease your child’s transition and how to deal with separation anxiety.
Before school starts:
The initial days for your child will go into acclamatizing to the environment, becoming comfortable with adults and other children, All we need to do is treat this period with a little patience and help the child transition. These steps might help:
Before the school begins, try to help your child mingle with other children his/her age. Leaving the child with a trusted one for some time, grandparents, relatives, close friend; playdates help. Don’t push or force your child, take it slowly, one step at a time.
Talk about Ayelet, speak about going there, you might also bring your child to the environment. Take a prior appointment before getting them over.
You might encourage your little one help you in household chores, which s/he can do independently
Choose wisely, and believe (trust) the place you’ve chosen for your child. We, at Ayelet are there to support your child (and you) at every step.
Starting School:
- Once, school starts, you need to understand separation anxiety is normal. At Ayelet, we expect most children are bond to be upset when they start a new school, especially as little as 2 years.
- Ayelet guides are prepared to ensure your child gets comfortable and adjusts with the environment. We acknowledge the child’s feelings and help them settle down.
- Please adhere to the time allotted to you and don’t come early or get late.
- It is best, to come up with a simple drop off routine, drop your child at the gate/porch, say a quick good bye, a quick hug and leave. Be confident yourself, a big smile while you drop them off goes a long way. A teacher or an assistant will be there to guide your child. Also, make sure you pick your child up on the time allotted, punctuality is the key.
- When you accompany your child for the first day or two, please be a silent spectator and don’t force the child to work if s/he doesn’t want to.
- If need be, you will receive a message or call from school.
- Regular bedtime and morning routines, are crucial so is early bedtime. In the morning, ensure you give the child an hour of morning time at home at least before school starts.
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