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Showing posts from June, 2018

What is Normalisation?

‘Normalisation’ a term which you will hear often in a Montessori environment. This very term at times confuses parents, specially the ones who don’t know much about the method. Normalisation doesn’t imply that a child or set of children aren’t normal, we are no one to say that. Then what does normalisation mean? Normalisation is a very special process in the overall development of a child. When a child is able to concentrate on an activity, when s/he works freely in their Montessori environment. These children are self-deciplined and peaceful. It is a stage where the child's will, intelligence and coordination of movements work together.   It is a very important stage of development. A child in this stage of development enjoys his/her work.  In The Absorbent Mind, Dr. Montessori says the following about normalisation “the most important single result of our whole work.” Children go through 3 stages of normalisation in a Montessori environment: A child will do act