If your child goes to a Montessori school, you would know, one thing which sets them apart is their independent streak. One of the most common question parents at Ayelet ask “How to ensure we don’t kill that spirit of independence?”
Some parents also complain that children are too independent and don’t understand when parents are in a hurry. The 2nd situation only arises when parents are in a rush. Let’s deal with the 2ndsituation first, if you know you’re in a hurry tell your children so, that’ll help them prepare in advance. Young children don’t understand rush/hurrying.
Some parents also complain that children are too independent and don’t understand when parents are in a hurry. The 2nd situation only arises when parents are in a rush. Let’s deal with the 2ndsituation first, if you know you’re in a hurry tell your children so, that’ll help them prepare in advance. Young children don’t understand rush/hurrying.
Fostering independence in children is something we work at Ayelet every single day, as parents there are a few things you can involve children as young as toddlers/preschoolers with:
- Let them set their own table for meals, once finished keep their own dish back in the kitchen.
- After play, children can clean up their rooms.
- Involve children in making their own beds, folding sheets, putting pillow covers, etc.
- Laundry takes a lot of our time, why not start involving young children in separating coloured or whites/clean and dirty clothes. They can slowly start folding, putting the cloths in (taking them out from) the washing machine, etc.
- Children love helping around kitchen, do them a favour, give them age appropriate kitchen chores, they won’t only keep the children engaged, they will enjoy the process as well.
- Involve them in grocery shopping, it becomes all the more fun when they start reading & writing.
- Sorting shoes and keeping them in the shoe rack.
- Setting their book shelf.
- Throw away garbage/trash
- If you have a pet, involve your child in taking care of it.
- Taking care of plants
- Older children (3+) can dress them up to a large extent.
- Don't help them take off and put on their shoes till they actually, really need help.
These are only a few tips; parents can do so much more to keep their children involved and to foster independence in little ones.
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