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Celebrations and Festivals in Montessori

Ours is a land of diversity and that is the beauty of our country. The harmony and love with which a large part of our society lives, embracing all the uniqueness and differences is what makes India truly amazing. We have so many customs, festivals and rituals in our country. We should should help our child be a part of these celebrations. 

Montessori is a method which is extremely adaptable and embraces all rituals. 

In a Montessori, festivals and holidays form an integral part of our cultural curriculum. For us, festivals are cultural celebrations and not religious. Children focus on traditions and rituals while celebrating. When we celebrate a festival, its about the customs, the clothes and the traditional food. As a Montessori school, Ayelet believes in celebrating all holidays with equal enthusiasm. We try to avoid accepting one and ignoring another important festival. All festivals hold equal importance for us. 

We share stories and even try to create activities which revolve around these festivals and celebrations. We enjoy customs, cuisines, dresses, traditions and culturally embrace all festivals. We always maintain, Montessori is a way of life and not merely a method of education. It is a method talks about coexistence, harmony and acceptance. That is something Ayelet stands for and what we try to help our children understand with these celebrations. 


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