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Read to them… Read with them!

When you’re a Primary Montessori Guide, you cannot be prepared enough or plan enough of what’s in store for you. Young children can bring different experiences every single day. One thing which stays pretty consistent and which children love is reading and being read to.  At Ayelet, reading is a very important part of an Ayeletian’s day. 
During our read-alouds we read, discuss pictures, the story and children also do art around the book they’ve read. It’s a beautiful experience seeing a bunch of 2-6-year-old children listening to stories from around the world and trying to comprehend what the author of the book is trying to say. Seeing their eyes go wide at certain moments or hearing those giggles have the power to turn any day into an amazing one. Trying to see them sneak in a word or two they heard during the session in their daily conversation is pure magic. 
The younger ones just might be looking at pictures, but the older ones get excited as the story builds up and they love a good book. The younger ones soon follow suit. 
I request parents (Ayelet parents and others as well). Don’t deprive your child from this beautiful experience; don’t deprive yourself from it. The benefits of reading aloud are immense… (vocabulary, literacy and language development, art appreciation) but beyond all this the bond a book can build between a parent and child is beautiful. Whether you read a page or two or a few books; whether you read at night, early morning, at meals or any time of the day; that isn’t important, what is important is that children read and are read to every single day. Discuss pictures, ask questions, make it super fun. When you child starts reading, read with them. 

- Falak


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