“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future.” - Dr. Maria Montessori If you have read about the Montessori method, heard some people talk about it and/or have enrolled your little one in a Montessori school, chances are you would have heard about Respecting the child. Respect is an integral aspect of the method. It sounds amazing, but is it easy to respect a little someone? Many times, adults do not think, children can be respected or deserve respect. We often interrupt when a child is talking, or tell them to “be quite”; we tell (at times force) them into doing things they don’t want to; we don’t even ask their permission before hugging them; even ignoring them is disrespect. In an authentic Montessori, from the time we greet the child in the morning to the time we say goodbye; we ensure the child is treated with respect. As a parent at home, or else where, you may ...
Your child's happy place!